ess是BlackBerry Email Server Simulator的缩写.
Set up ESS as a local messaging server.
Set the ESS to use standalone mode.
Select POP3 and SMTP ports (Note: This step can be omitted for ESS version 4.1 and earlier).
Specify a desired name and email address.
Launch ESS.
点击 下的
Set up a POP3 or SMTP email client (i.e. Microsoft® Outlook® Express).
Create an email account.
Associate the email address specified in step 1 for this account.
Set both the incoming POP3 server and outgoing SMTP server as a localhost, and use the ports specified in step 1.
选择standalone mode,下方的name,email填写完毕后按launch
Send an email message using BlackBerry device simulator.
Compose and send an email message in the BlackBerry device simulator.
Check for the email message in the Inbox of the email account created in step 2.
Reply to the email message. The reply message should appear in the Inbox of the BlackBerry device simulator.
用outlook reply 刚才的email,再到手机上看看
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